Bro. Wayne Vaughan
For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. (Ezra 7:10)
This Scripture defines my purpose to the Church

I am a man blessed and highly favored by God. In His divine wisdom and not by the will of man, our Creator chose to endow me with physical talents and spiritual gifts and at the same time giving me physical limitations to prevent pride. These gifts given me are not for me to boast but to give honor and glory to God, who gave them to me for His purposes. I must humbly use these given gifts to encourage, teach and lead the Church to bring glory and honor to the name of Jesus.
I am a husband of one beautiful and Godly woman, Ruth. Most men seldom deserve the wives we have been given, and I am no different. We have been married for 35+ years and then further blessed with children and now my sweet grandchildren. I tell people to have children is a blessing, and the real purpose of having children is to give you the ultimate joy, grandchildren.
I am a student of God’s Word and of the human condition. I study and strive to understand the many ways humanity seeks God and the ways they reject God. I scrutinize humanity, not for intellectual curiosity, but to be better equipped to help them understand Jesus and the Bible. I study the Bible to show myself approved as a workman for the Lord in the tasks He has given me. We will have trouble just as Jesus said we would. However, for those who Jesus is their Lord and King of their life, through Him, no matter the problems, we will overcome them through our faith resting in the security of His love.
I am a man who must humble myself daily and acknowledge to God and man that just like anyone else, I am just a sinner saved by grace. I must take up my cross daily and follow Him. I am a big man, and Satan tried to and did use it to discourage me from using my gifts to serve God. I realized though it was God's way of keeping me humble because my gifts and Biblical knowledge puffed me up with pride when I was a young man. God will never use a proud person in ministry. In following Jesus, I must encourage others to experience the joy, acceptance, and salvation in the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I am a Dallas native, graduating from Bryan Adams High School in Dallas, TX. I am a graduate of Criswell College in Dallas, TX, with a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies, with a minor in Pastoral Leadership. I am a graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master's Degree in Theological Studies. I am currently working on a ministry book titled, Inoculated Against the Gospel: How False Assurances of Salvation Have Created Nominal Christians. I have several other book ideas about ministry that I am developing for future publication.
This is who I am, and I would like to know you too. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. cadarn@live.com or 469-925-6917
Grace and peace to you, and may the Lord richly bless you,
Bro. Wayne Vaughan