Mrs. Ruth Vaughan
He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
(Micah 6:8)

My favorite Bible verse
I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 8, at First Baptist Church, Richardson, TX, where I married Wayne after we met while involved in the Singles ministry and choir in 1984. I've always been involved in the music ministry, from children's choir and youth choir to adult choir. I still pursue my love of music when possible in choirs and ensembles, including being a member of the Singing Women of Texas. I believe God has also given me the gift of teaching, which I have been blessed to use as a Sunday School and women's Bible study teacher.
Wayne and I have been blessed with children & grandchildren. One of my greatest joys is spending time with them. I retired from my career as a medical technologist and microbiologist in 2018 in order to devote my time to full-time ministry as a pastor's wife. I am praying for the Lord's continued leading in my life and His direction for us as a couple.
Being a pastor’s wife presents many challenges, not the least of which is being a role model to other women. Through the years that Wayne and I have been married, he has helped me grow as a Christian and godly wife, encouraging me to use my spiritual gifts and talents for the Lord. He has been a blessing to me in many ways, and under God’s guidance, we will continue to strive to be a blessing to others.