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My Mission Trips
My Trek around Texas
In the summer of 2012 in my first year at Criswell College I applied and was accepted by the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention (SBTC) has a mission opportunity each summer for college students. A select few are picked to travel around the state of Texas and spend a week with a Church. The team consisted of a Preacher/Team Leader, Music, and Children. During this week most often there was a Sunday through Thursday revivals, some Vacation Bible School or whatever the Church wanted to use the team in their ministry.
I was the Preacher/Team leader and visited seven different Churches around Texas. I preached 32 times in that time span. It was a great time and learning experience. The hardest thing for me was at the end of the week saying goodbye to people I had already grown to love. I found this to be the case with every Church we visited as the people were willing to let us share how God is using us for His glory.
My Trek around Israel
In the winter of 2014, as I was signing up to meet the requirement of Criswell College that all graduates participate in a foreign mission trip. I wanted to go to Israel but did not know how to raise the $3,500 needed for the trip. However, God once again provided a way.
After this trip, I was not the same person. The country, the people, the history brought the Bible to life for me like nothing else could. I grew to love the country in thirteen short days. We traveled all over Israel and did mission work with Muslim children in the local Middle School, helping them with their English as they helped us with our Arabic. These were the Bedouin people of Southern Israel in the Negev. I had never known hospitality like this before, even in Texas.
I have so many stories to tell from that trip, and I am always finding events that happened there to help illustrate something in Scripture that I am teaching.
I hope to return someday and bring others with me who want the Bible to come to life and give depth to what we have been reading. I recommend everyone go at least once.
Update: Ruth and I visited Israel on the SBTC Pastors and Wives tour in July 2022. I recommend that when you go to Israel, don't do it in July unless you love the heat. Go in any time but summer.
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