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My Views of the Pastor's Role
in the Church

A pastor of a local Baptist Church is to be a shepherd. He trains, guides, cares for, leads, and protects the flock from danger. Sometimes, those in the flock do not want to be led. The shepherd's role does not change because of their discontent. The shepherd is answerable to only one person: God. My style is as a Head Coach. The pastor will be doubly judged for how the shepherd has led his flock in the ways of God.
The pastor is to give a vision or direction for the Church to fulfill the purposes of the Church. God should give the vision to the path the Pastor should lead the Church. While deacons are very important to the work of the Church, there should not be confusion that the Pastor is the one ordained by God to lead the Church with input from leadership. For a Pastor to be effective, he must be trusted to lead.
To protect the Church from division, I believe it is imperative that when people arise that threaten to cause dissension among the believers, then Church discipline steps, as prescribed in Scripture, should be enacted to preserve the purpose and unity of the Church. Too often today, those who cause disunity are allowed to interfere with the purpose of the Church, and the needed discipline is not practiced, which in many cases leads to Church splits, a most disgraceful thing in Christendom. The world is watching how we conduct our lives inside the Church and outside the Church. Who would come to a Church where fighting is allowed to reign? Love, peace, and grace must dwell always inside the Church and the hearts of all Christians.
As Pastor, I am given clear directives from Scripture. To teach the Word, share the Gospel, make disciples, and train others by showing them how to share their faith in a lost and dying world. Helping people discover their Spiritual Gifts to use in the Church for the glory of God. I take my call seriously and will give all my strength, skill, and talent to fulfill my purpose in the Church. I should be willing to lay my life down for my flock as the shepherd. To stand in the gap in their protection, and I humbly declare the truth of Scripture by God's grace and power. I will do all that is within me to fulfill my role as pastor.
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