My name is Bro. Wayne Vaughan, the Pastor and Worship Leader of FBC Lambrook, Arkansas.
I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and was called to be the Pastor & Worship Leader of FBC Thoreau, New Mexico, in May 2018 and later called to serve as Pastor & Worship Leader at FBC Darrouzett, Texas. Today, I am Pastor & Worship Leader at FBC Lambrook Arkansas, beginning in March 2024.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 16 years old, after a girl from school invited me to Church.
I immediately joined the youth choir, and not realizing God had given me the talent for music, I began to sing in the youth choir and then the adult choir. I have since sung in every choir in every Church I was a member that had a choir. I have sung solos in quartets and duets with my wife for many years. Now I lead the Church in Worship, singing and sometimes playing my Ukulele.
The highlight of my singing came when I became a member in 2012 of the Singing Men of Texas, East Texas Chapter. The choir comprised 60 to 70 men who were Minister of Music or Pastors, current and former. We would sing at Churches across East Texas one Thursday a month. A special time in my life. I hope to join the Panhandle chapter of Singing Men of Texas for the Fall 2020 season. My wife Ruth and I have now joined Arkansas' Master's Singers, a large choir that travels across Arkansas holding concerts and ministering to believers in Worship and song.
When I was 17, I felt God’s call to the ministry. I came forward and surrendered to the call at White Rock Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas. However, my pastor, who was instrumental in my salvation, left the Church abruptly because deacons and other members showed unChrist-like behavior toward him. I witnessed this and determined if that is what it means to be a pastor, then I wanted nothing to do with being one. So, I ran from God’s call to serve Him. I did not stop Church attendance, over the years, I served as a Sunday School teacher from Children to Senior Adults, using my Spiritual Gift of teaching.
However, after years of running from my calling and being laid off from my job for the sixth time in 2008, I cried out to God, “What do you want me to do?” Then, He reminded me that he called me when I was 17, and He never changed His mind. I surrendered to His will and said I would serve you no matter the cost. The surrender to His will put me on the path of preparation for the ministry at 48. In 2012, I enrolled in Criswell College in Dallas, Texas, and spent four years there, equivalent to seminary training. As an undergraduate, I was taught Hebrew, Greek languages, and so much more that after I graduated and started working on my Masters of Theological Studies degree at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, most of the courses were duplicates of the classes I took at Criswell College.
I am an Expository preacher. That means I preach God’s Word straight from the Bible. I do not pick themes or subjects but choose Scripture supporting my premise. Instead, I preach God’s Word and explain its meaning and how we can understand and apply it to our lives today. The Bible is still relevant today. Being an Expository preacher is best for the Church since it allows me to preach the whole Bible, not just parts of it. Preaching such as this allows the Church to experience the whole counsel of God’s Holy Word. Not only that, but it helps us understand the Bible as a whole and how it all fits and works together.
God also gifted me with music. I am a singer and play the ukulele; I have eight of them and use my gifts to glorify God. I also seek to identify people with musical talents and gifts and aid and encourage them to use what they have been given in the service of the Lord. Ruth and I have been a member of Church choirs since 1984 at FBC Richardson, Texas where we met. I have been singing solos and duets with my wife, Ruth since that time. It is great to sing in a large choir with such talented men.
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At FBC Lambrook, we need committed Christians who want to serve the Lord with their Spiritual Gifts, build up the Church, and help us share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a dark and dying world.
Please join us and help us worship Jesus. Remember that everything we do is not about us; it is all about Jesus. Praise and glory to His holy name.
You can contact me by emailing, texting, or calling: